Работа над текстами и около них - графика, инструменты и тому подобное. |
Один из первых опытов классической четырёхчастной симфонии. Ногами сильно не бить, пожалуйста.
Primo Vero - Symphony D-Minor, opus 2266
0:00 Allegro
2:54 Adagio
6:03 Minuet
9:07 Allegro con Brio (Finale)
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Продолжаем опыты по вокализации там, где или её нужно выделить среди общего фона голосов, или где её и не предполагалось.
Waltz Rewired - Let's Hum Together, opus 2261
Fading Spirits - Midnight, opus 2262
Ghost Engine - Duck Pond, opus
Voices of the Void - Follow the Sun, opus
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Выяснилось, что недокументированный стиль "onomatopoetic" (ономатопоя - словотворчество на основе звукоподражания - "ква-ква" и "гав-гав" из этой оперы) вызывает неожиданную интерпретацию поля "Lyrics".
Знаки восклицания интерпретируются как пожелание вставить вокализацию или аналогичную вариацию для жанров, где не предполагается вокализация именно голосом.
Примеры, вместе с определениями, ниже. Обратите внимания на вокализацию (скэт) в джазовой композиции и на то, как там начинают петь человеческими интонациями инструменты.
Удачи в использовании.
Поле Style of Music/Prompt:
onomatopoetic, swing jazz, retro scat, female ghost vocals, vocal hallucinations
Поле Lyrics:
[style: onomatopoetic, swing jazz, retro scat]
[vocals: vintage jazz vocals, playful tones]
[instruments: brass section, double bass, upbeat piano]
[structure: intro, verse, chorus, solo, outro]
[compression: light]
[length: 200]
[intro: Jazzy upright bass groove, followed by playful brass hits.]
[verse: Crooning vocals enter, with light scatting underneath !!!]
[chorus: A lively, swinging rhythm builds energy.]
[solo: !!!]
[outro: A smooth brass outro with fading piano.]
Swing Jazz - This Beautiful Evening, opus 2259
Поле Style of Music/Prompt:
onomatopoetic, minimal techno, glitch ambient, female ghost vocals, vocal hallucinations
Поле Lyrics:
[style: onomatopoetic, minimal techno, glitch ambient]
[vocals: robotic voice fragments, breathy vocal chops]
[instruments: pulsing synths, reverb-heavy pads, micro-percussion]
[structure: intro, loop, variation, breakdown, outro]
[compression: light]
[length: 200]
[intro: Deep drone bass swells, robotic whispers enter.]
!! !
[loop: Pulsing synth groove with cut-up vocal textures.]
[variation: !! !]
[breakdown: Distant echoes, voices fade into the mix.]
!! !
[outro: Slow decay, hypnotic pads dissolving.]
Glitch Techno - Matrix Dance, opus 2260
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Тем, кто изучает глубины галлюцинирования ИИ, на заметку.
Персона (программно-звуковой шаблон тембра, стиля и словарного запаса) хранит в метаданных определения трека, из которого персону построили (запомнили).
Как следствие, когда персона используется для синтеза трека, эти определения (как минимум, стиля музыки) "примешиваются" к тем, что задаются для трека. Как следствие, даже на жёстко фиксированных данных трека-шаблона для получения галлюцинаций, на выходе можно добиться произвольного стиля и жанра.
Ниже - примеры переработки (кавера) одной из "песен" предыдущего выпуска другим сервисом, Riffusion. На выходе - псевдо-славянский и псевдо-французский варианты.
Теперь, когда у меня есть наработанный шаблон, который порождает галлюцинации с вероятностью не менее 85%, есть возможность собрать статистику. Ну и, главное - "направлять" "полёт фантазии" искина в примерно нужном направлении.
В связи с лицензионными ограничениями от Riffusion я не могу выложить эти треки на сервисы, где есть вероятность хоть какой-то монетизации.
Wilds Sisters - The Clockwork Game, riff 1
Wilds Sisters - The Clockwork Game, riff 6
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...и ещё пять треков от сестричек. И шут его знает сколько есть ещё среди отложенных. Тут не всё так просто, как кажется: при моей квоте в 2000 треков (1000 генераций) в месяц у меня уже сейчас за 4000 отложенных треков. Таких, что слушал только на предмет того - не отправить ли сразу в мусор, "порциями".
В общем, если не приводить калькуляцию: их уже сейчас нереально пересчитать и каталогизировать, если только не заниматься всем этим 24/7/365.
Я стараюсь поддерживать основное в разобранном и прослушанном состоянии, но "побочки" генераций - среди которых очень много качественных треков - продолжают копиться. И никакие майские, никакой отпуск не спасут - при примерно 9000 минут для прослушивания, плюс по 1-2 минуты для экспресс-каталогизации и скачивания на трек, уже сейчас мне потребуется чуть меньше 9 суток непрерывной работы. Даже если там будет половина брака - ну 4.5 суток (две полноценных рабочих недели). Но, по мне, лучше так, чем наоборот.
В общем, вот ещё пять треков, пока я изучаю непростую тему управляемого получения вокальных галлюцинаций.
Дополнение: начал переносить здешние .mp3 файлы на сторонний (свой) хостинг; пока что это коснулось треков сестёр Уайлдс.
Wilds Sisters - The Clockwork game, opus 2257
Wilds Sisters - Chance To Do That Right, opus 2246
Wilds Sisters - Cook Finding Me, opus 2243
Wilds Sisters - Tea, opus 2251
Wilds Sisters - Without You, opus 2253
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Нашлось в итоге десять шаблонов, которые провоцируют Суно на стройные в смысле убедительности вокальные галлюцинации (песни, обычно на неизвестных языках).
И вот первая компания солистов, "сёстры Уайлдс" (персонажи моей книги "Путешествие, приснившееся под утро").
К чему могут быть такие галлюциногенные треки? Суно умеет подставлять взамен выдуманного языка вполне конкретный существующий, хотя бы поэтому.
Ну и потом - язык может быть и выдуманным, а вот эмоции там вполне убедительные.
Первые пять из... неизвестного числа треков - ниже. Шестой - тот самый джаз-трек, что я представлял в предыдущий раз (там, где девушка-европеоид).
Wilds Sisters - Crazy in Sensation, opus 2195
Wilds Sisters - Sighs, opus 2244
Wilds Sisters - With the Night Curfews To You, opus 2247
Wilds Sisters - Bedtime Story, opus 2245
Wilds Sisters - Thank You, Century, opus 2248
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Всё же получилось со скэтом. Следующая цель - чтобы он шёл после мной заданного текста.
Поле Style of Music/Prompt:
Classic swing jazz with a focus on vocal improvisation, female ghost vocals, scat singing, vocal hallucinations
Поле Lyrics:
[genre: swing-jazz]
[style: rhythmic, energetic, danceable]
[mood: joyful, lively, nostalgic]
[tempo: upbeat]
[instruments: big band arrangement with horns, piano, drums]
[compression: light]
[vocals: scatting, rhythmic, infectious, female]
[length: 210]
[intro: Big band horn section establishes the swing rhythm.]
[structure: intro, theme A, bridge, theme B, outro]
[theme A: Vocals enter with infectious scatting patterns, supported by horn section.]
[rhythm: 4/4 swing]
[sfx: dance floor sounds, occasional instrument solos]
[bridge: Vocals take center stage with more complex improvisations.]
[effects: light reverb, subtle delay]
[theme B: Horn section responds to vocal phrases in call-and-response pattern.]
[sfx: energetic drum fills, audience cheers]
[outro: Vocals and horns trade short phrases before fading out.]
[fade: gradual fade-out]
Hallucination - Swing What We Do, opus 2249
Hallucination - Just Dance I Feel, opus 2250
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Тут, так сказать, блюда с экспериментальной кухни: несколько подряд получившихся треков.
Цель нынешнего эксперимента - генерация скэта - вокализа, обычно свойственного джазу, где используют бессмысленные слова, слоги или произвольные звуки.
Не получилось, забегая вперёд. Однако некоторые получившиеся треки запомнились. Привожу их все.
Описание треков везде одинаковое:
Поле Style of Music/Prompt:
Minimal techno meets circus waltz, with pulsing beats, eerie calliope, and vocal glitches, female ghost vocals
Поле Lyrics:
[control: experimental, mechanical, surreal, uneasy, variable-tempo]
[mood: hypnotic, surreal, contradictory, hallucinatory]
[genre: phonk, horror-synth, experimental-electronic, surrealist]
[instruments: drum-machine, synth-bass, calliope-organ, tuba, metallic-effects]
[vocals: granular-synthesis, fragmented, glitched, hallucinatory, female ghost vocals]
[length: 210]
[intro: clock-like percussion, warped organ, indistinct vocal whispers]
[verse: distorted slow phonk rhythms, rhythmic polyrhythms, fragmented vocals]
[chorus: chaotic rhythmic overlays, surreal vocal layers, abstract melodies]
[bridge: atonal drones, vocal granular fragmentation, reversed and layered whispers]
[theme B: robotic techno beat returns; waltz melody distorted into surreal loops]
[outro: fading hallucinatory vocal echoes, granular textures, ambient confusion]
Hallucination - Because, opus 2242
Hallucination - Just Sorry I'm Gone, opus 2233
Whispering Mirage - Aha, opus 2235
Synthwave - Aha, opus 2236
The Wheel - Aha, opus 2237
Ethereal Waltz, opus 2238
Curtain of Chaos - Aha, opus 2239
Curtain of Chaos - Ha, opus 2240
Curtain of Chaos - Ha, opus 2241
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"Я старый программист, и не знаю слов любви..."
На деле, вероятно, знаю - раз их знают персонажи моих книг.
А потому желаю прекрасной половине человечества в этот день больше (нежели обычно) внимания, больше (нежели обычно) уважения, любви и счастья.
Мы вас любим. Это правда.
Возможно, кому-то из вас всё же понравится хотя бы один из треков ниже. Ну а если нет - придётся придумывать ещё!
Поле Style of Music/Prompt:
Vintage, optimistic type of instrumental music, rich themes and backvocal harmonies, suitable for International Women's Day, bright and life-supporting mood
Поле Lyrics:
Vintage shine, opus 2222
Поле Style of Music/Prompt:
neoclassical orchestral, romantic symphonic waltz, cinematic grandeur, lush string arrangements, harp, flute, uplifting and elegant
Поле Lyrics:
[control: instrumental]
[mood: majestic, uplifting, poetic]
[genre: neoclassical-orchestral, cinematic-waltz]
[instruments: full orchestra, harp, solo violin, grand piano, woodwinds, soft timpani]
[compression: light]
[structure: intro, theme1, variation1, bridge, theme2, coda]
[length: 210]
[intro: Delicate harp arpeggios open, with soft strings swelling in the background.]
[theme1: A soaring violin melody emerges, graceful and expressive, evoking timeless elegance.]
[variation1: The theme is reinterpreted with grand piano and flute, evoking gentle motion.]
[bridge: A moment of serenity as harp and woodwinds intertwine in an intimate passage.]
[theme2: Strings build to a grand, majestic finale, expressing the beauty and strength of femininity.]
[coda: The theme softly dissolves into an ethereal shimmer of harps and violins, fading into stillness.]
Ethereal elegance, opus 2223
Поле Style of Music/Prompt:
retro 1960s soul, vintage swing jazz, doo-wop harmonies, warm brass, upright bass, rhythmic optimism, golden-era charm
Поле Lyrics:
[control: instrumental]
[mood: nostalgic, romantic, joyful]
[genre: retro-soul, swing-jazz, doo-wop]
[instruments: brass section, upright bass, electric organ, jazz drums, vintage guitar]
[compression: light]
[structure: intro, theme1, bridge, theme2, instrumental solo, outro]
[length: 220]
[intro: Smooth upright bass groove sets the mood, joined by warm brass swells.]
[theme1: A catchy, swinging brass motif plays over a relaxed soul rhythm, full of vintage charm.]
[bridge: Electric organ and soft backing vocals hum in a lighthearted, dreamy interlude.]
[theme2: A bright guitar melody takes over, blending seamlessly with expressive sax flourishes.]
[instrumental solo: Playful sax and trumpet trade melodic phrases, echoing classic big-band energy.]
[outro: The track fades on a soft jazz drum shuffle and a final, nostalgic brass swell.]
Golden glow, opus 2224
Поле Style of Music/Prompt:
chillwave dream pop, lush synth textures, soulful r&b groove, gentle indie guitar, ambient warmth, ethereal optimism
Поле Lyrics:
[control: instrumental]
[mood: inspirational, serene, hopeful]
[genre: chillwave, dream-pop, soulful-r&b]
[instruments: warm synth pads, soft electric guitar, lo-fi drums, vocal pads, atmospheric textures]
[compression: light]
[structure: intro, theme1, bridge, theme2, outro]
[length: 220]
[intro: Gentle synth pads shimmer, as lo-fi drums and ambient guitar softly enter.]
[theme1: A dreamy electric guitar melody floats over a warm, soulful R&B groove.]
[bridge: Ethereal vocal pads swell, blending into hypnotic synth waves.]
[theme2: The groove deepens with rhythmic bass pulses, symbolizing quiet strength.]
[outro: Soft textures and echoes fade out, leaving a peaceful afterglow.]
Future bloom, opus 2225
Поле Style of Music/Prompt:
Classical orchestral fusion, uplifting piano melodies blended with lush strings, expressive woodwinds, and gentle harp arpeggios, creating an inspiring, romantic homage to feminine strength
Поле Lyrics:
[control: uplifting, romantic, elegant, moderate-tempo]
[mood: optimistic, romantic, inspirational]
[genre: classical-orchestral, neo-classical, cinematic]
[instruments: piano, string-ensemble, harp, woodwinds, orchestral-percussion]
[vocals: none]
[compression: light]
[sequence: intro, main-theme, emotional-crescendo, reflective-interlude, climax, outro]
[length: 220]
[intro: gentle piano motif, soft strings, harp arpeggios]
[main-theme: expressive strings, uplifting piano melodies, woodwind harmonies]
[emotional-crescendo: building orchestral textures, increasing intensity]
[reflective-interlude: delicate harp, minimal strings, thoughtful piano]
[climax: powerful orchestral unity, joyful strings, celebratory tone]
[outro: peaceful resolution, elegant piano fade, sustained strings]
Symphony of her spirit, opus 2226
Поле Style of Music/Prompt:
Smooth vintage jazz-pop instrumental from the 1960s, featuring warm saxophone leads, gentle electric piano chords, rhythmic double bass, subtle percussion, evoking romantic nostalgia
Поле Lyrics:
[control: smooth, romantic, relaxed, moderate-tempo]
[mood: romantic, optimistic, nostalgic]
[genre: jazz-pop, vintage, easy-listening]
[instruments: saxophone, electric-piano, double-bass, jazz-drums, vibraphone]
[vocals: none]
[compression: light]
[sequence: intro, verse-theme, chorus-theme, instrumental-solo, chorus-theme, outro]
[length: 210]
[intro: warm saxophone melody, vibraphone accents, soft rhythm]
[verse-theme: gentle electric piano chords, melodic bass, relaxed drum groove]
[chorus-theme: expressive saxophone leads, melodic jazz harmonies, optimistic vibe]
[instrumental-solo: gentle vibraphone improvisation, rhythmic shifts]
[outro: warm saxophone reprise, fading electric piano chords, relaxed jazz drums]
Those old days, opus 2227
Поле Style of Music/Prompt:
Warm lo-fi chillhop instrumental with romantic acoustic guitar loops, mellow electric piano textures, relaxed rhythmic grooves, and cozy beats, embodying gentle optimism and feminine warmth
Поле Lyrics:
[control: mellow, romantic, relaxed, moderate-tempo]
[mood: optimistic, intimate, gentle]
[genre: lo-fi, chillhop, indie-acoustic]
[instruments: acoustic-guitar, electric-piano, lo-fi-drums, melodic-bass, ambient textures]
[vocals: none]
[compression: light]
[sequence: intro, verse, chorus, instrumental-break, chorus, outro]
[length: 220]
[intro: acoustic guitar loops, soft electric piano chords, ambient textures]
[verse: warm rhythmic guitar melodies, gentle percussion, subtle bass groove]
[chorus: brighter melodic textures, smooth rhythmic elements, optimistic energy]
[instrumental-break: acoustic guitar solo, warm ambient pads, relaxed rhythm]
[outro: repeating gentle melodies, fading ambient textures, calming acoustic echoes]
Gentle glow, opus 2228
Поле Style of Music/Prompt:
Minimal techno meets circus waltz, with pulsing beats, eerie calliope, and vocal glitches, female ghost vocals
Поле Lyrics:
[control: experimental, mechanical, surreal, uneasy, variable-tempo]
[mood: hypnotic, surreal, contradictory, hallucinatory]
[genre: phonk, horror-synth, experimental-electronic, surrealist]
[instruments: drum-machine, synth-bass, calliope-organ, tuba, metallic-effects]
[vocals: granular-synthesis, fragmented, glitched, hallucinatory, female ghost vocals]
[length: 210]
[intro: clock-like percussion, warped organ, indistinct vocal whispers]
[verse: distorted slow phonk rhythms, rhythmic polyrhythms, fragmented vocals]
[chorus: chaotic rhythmic overlays, surreal vocal layers, abstract melodies]
[bridge: atonal drones, vocal granular fragmentation, reversed and layered whispers]
[theme B: robotic techno beat returns; waltz melody distorted into surreal loops]
[outro: fading hallucinatory vocal echoes, granular textures, ambient confusion]
Hallucination - Not real, opus 2229
Поле Style of Music/Prompt:
Minimal techno meets circus waltz, with pulsing beats, eerie calliope, and vocal glitches, female ghost vocals
Поле Lyrics:
[genre: minimal-techno, circus-waltz]
[style: mechanical, eerie, playful]
[mood: surreal, hypnotic, uneasy]
[tempo: steady 4/4 with waltz overlay]
[instruments: drum machine, synth bass, calliope organ, tuba]
[compression: light]
[vocals: mechanical, glitched, fragmented, female ghost vocals]
[length: 210]
[intro: Clock-like percussion under warped calliope organ chords.]
[structure: intro, theme A, bridge, theme B, outro]
[theme A: Pulsing synth bass with sparse drum machine, overlayed with a playful organ waltz.]
[rhythm: 4/4 pulse clashing with 3/4 organ swing]
[sfx: distant fairground crowd, murmured announcements]
[bridge: Percussion strips away; organ bends into atonal drones, with vocal glitches.]
[effects: granular synthesis, reversed whispers]
[theme B: The techno beat returns, now robotic, while the waltz organ spirals into madness.]
[sfx: distorted laughter, vocal stutters]
[outro: A final organ flourish cuts into silence, with mechanical vocal echoes.]
[fade: abrupt cut, tape reel spin-down]
Hallucination - I just want to call you, opus 2230
Поле Style of Music/Prompt:
Minimal techno meets circus waltz, with pulsing beats, eerie calliope, and vocal glitches, female ghost vocals
Поле Lyrics:
[genre: minimal-techno, circus-waltz]
[style: mechanical, eerie, playful]
[mood: surreal, hypnotic, uneasy]
[tempo: steady 4/4 with waltz overlay]
[instruments: drum machine, synth bass, calliope organ, tuba]
[compression: light]
[vocals: mechanical, glitched, fragmented, female ghost vocals]
[length: 210]
[intro: Clock-like percussion under warped calliope organ chords.]
[structure: intro, theme A, bridge, theme B, outro]
[theme A: Pulsing synth bass with sparse drum machine, overlayed with a playful organ waltz.]
[rhythm: 4/4 pulse clashing with 3/4 organ swing]
[sfx: distant fairground crowd, murmured announcements]
[bridge: Percussion strips away; organ bends into atonal drones, with vocal glitches.]
[effects: granular synthesis, reversed whispers]
[theme B: The techno beat returns, now robotic, while the waltz organ spirals into madness.]
[sfx: distorted laughter, vocal stutters]
[outro: A final organ flourish cuts into silence, with mechanical vocal echoes.]
[fade: abrupt cut, tape reel spin-down]
Hallucination - Ballad of the roof, opus 2231
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Ну как час. Суммарно чуть больше часа.
Регги мне давно понравился.
Впереди и другие жанры.
Поле Style of Music/Prompt:
hypnagogic pacific reggae
Поле Lyrics:
[genre: hypnagogic-pacific-reggae]
[instruments: bass pads, deep drones, static textures, ghost voice whispers]
[length: 210]
[compression: light]
Ну и сами треки. Все, кроме первого, с отключенной автозагрузкой, чтобы меньше нагружать и браузер, и сервер.
1. Dreamscape Morning
2. Sunrise
3. The Breeze
4. Old Guitar
5. Nostalgy
6. The Roads We Roam
7. The Last Day of the Vacation
8. Regrets
9. Twilight Shore
10. The Way We Didn't See That Before
11. Walking the Clouds
12. Those Summer Days
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Сегодня - день IT-шника, т.е. человека компьютерных профессий.
Что тут долго рассусоливать. Да здравствуем мы!
Поле Style of Music/Prompt:
adaptable fusion, cinematic pop, ethereal rock
Поле Lyrics:
[genre: cinematic pop, ethereal rock]
[mood: dynamic, emotional, immersive]
[instruments: electric guitar, synth pads, orchestral strings, deep bass]
[vocals: layered harmonies, call-and-response]
[length: 210]
[compression: light]
[structure: intro, verse, theme A, bridge, verse, chorus, interlude, theme C, outro]
[intro: Soft atmospheric pads build tension, with delayed guitar echoes.]
Ashes to ashes, dust to code, and back again we load.
[verse: Soft vocals introduce the narrative, building toward the main theme.]
Ashes to ashes, dust to code, and back again we load.
[theme A: Rhythmic chords carry a rising melody, leading into the core progression.]
Ashes to ashes, dust to code, and back again we load.
[bridge: Subtle percussion swells; space opens for a shift in energy.]
Ashes to ashes, dust to code, and back again we load.
[verse: The lyrical story deepens, emotions rising into the next section.]
Ashes to ashes, dust to code, and back again we load.
[chorus: A climactic swell of instrumentation, with harmonized vocals soaring above.]
Ashes to ashes, dust to code, and back again we load.
[interlude: Spacey, instrumental break with cascading echoes and reverb trails.]
Ashes to ashes, dust to code, and back again we load.
[theme C: A resolution of previous motifs, carrying forward the song’s emotional weight.]
Ashes to ashes, dust to code, and back again we load.
[outro: Instruments fade gradually into ambient textures, leaving a haunting resonance.]
Ashes to ashes, dust to code, and back again we load.
Devops Mantra
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Немного самой точной науки статистики. Понятно, что всё это чисто пожать плечами и понимающе усмехнуться, но первое место меня действительно удивило. Речь о треках, размещённых на моём RuTube канале, "Выше неба". Канал не монетизируется, не рекламируется, все "попадания" на треки органические, т.е. как бы сами собой.
"Дней назад" указано на 24-к февраля 2025 г.
Трек | Просмотров | Дата публикации (дней назад)Пояснения | |
1. Редьярд Киплинг - Пыль | 542 | 26.10.2024 (122) | Песня создана по стихотворению Редьярда Киплинга "Boots", автор перевода Ада Оношкович-Яцына (1922). |
2. Loch Lomond | 227 | 15.09.2024 (163) | Шотландская песня "The Bonnie Banks o' Loch Lomond", (Roud No. 9598), известна с XIX века. |
3. Константин Бояндин - Щедрое небо | 73 | 16.09.2024 (162) | |
4. Александра Ковалевская - Земля и Небо | 73 | 20.09.2024 (158) | |
5. Наталья Стадлер - Новые краски | 70 | 23.09.2024 (155) | |
6. Александра Ковалевская - Тоффи | 66 | 19.09.2024 (159) | |
7. Константин Бояндин - Nestor Pechorin - Carol | 63 | 19.12.2024 (68) | |
8. Грибы - Shrooms | 55 | 31.10.2024 (118) | По впечатлениям от книг про Алису от Льюиса Кэрролла. |
9. Александра Ковалевская - Рождественская песня | 48 | 22.12.2024 (65) | |
10. Александра Ковалевская - Велесовы земли | 46 | 20.09.2024 (158) |
===== Перейти к комментариям
За прошедший квартал Riffusion, ещё один генеративный сервис по созданию музыкальных треков, успел выпустить (пока что бесплатный) вариант с браузерным интерфейсом. На настоящий момент нет возможности использовать созданные там треки в любых целях — потому пока что сервис нельзя считать серьёзным конкурентом Suno, Udio и аналогам.
Тем не менее сервис развивается и, определённо, достоин рассмотрения и наблюдения. Начинал он как "заплатка" поверх Stable Diffusion (SD), позволяющая генерировать к в виде картинок-спектрограмм. Сейчас же — полноценный сервис по созданию музыкальных файлов. Ах да, пока что скачать можно только в формате AAC (.m4a).
По косвенным данным (нет прямого подтверждения) сервис поддерживает примерно ту же концепцию и набор мета-тегов, что и Suno.
Ниже четыре сопоставления: кавер по существующему музыкальному файлу, три инструментальных трека. Riffusion ровно так же поддерживает парную генерацию, в сопоставление в обоих случаях ушёл трек лучшего (для моего уха) качества.
Разумеется, само по себе это сопоставление мало что даёт, только самое общее впечатление. В Riffusion есть возможность задать (зафиксировать) псевдослучайное "зерно", из которого порождается трек, т.е. добиваться воспроизводимого результата, плюс есть аналог CFG для полей "стиль музыки" (в случае Riffusion "подсказка", т.е. "prompt") и "текст" ("lyrics").
Поле Style of Music/Prompt:
soul trap, hypnagogic pop, warped synth pads, pitch-shifted vocals, trippy sub-bass, ethereal female lead
Поле Lyrics:
[genre: soul-trap, hypnagogic-pop]
[mood: dreamy, surreal, disoriented]
[tempo: slow, 120 BPM]
[instruments: sub-bass, warped pads, reverse keys, pitched vocals, airy vocal chops]
[vocals: ethereal female, layered whispers, pitched echoes]
[personae: ethereal female, middle female]
[length: 220]
[structure: intro, verse, interlude, verse, interlude, verse, interlude, verse, interlude, outro]
[intro: Slow sub-bass swells; distant breath; warped synth hum.]
[verse: Echoing keys; pitched female whispers; sub kicks pulse under stretched pads.]
Mushrooms that I’m tasting seem to twist me into baseless shapes,
Suddenly I'm shrinking, then I'm stretching out in endless tapes.
Biting one is danger, and the other just a stranger’s trick
All this nibbling, dabbling, turns my world around in colors thick.
[interlude: Low drones; reverse chimes; airy vocal fragments.]
[verse: Sub-bass wobbles; breathy harmonies drift; synth lead bends upward.]
Tall as trees I’m towering, then I’m small enough to flee the ants,
Growing like a giant, now my toes outgrow my shoes and pants
With each bite, I’m guessing if I’ll stretch or shrink or spin around,
Mushrooms that I’m munching make me wonder where my feet are bound.
[interlude: Reversed echoes; bell arpeggios; detuned vocal hums.]
[verse: Pads shimmer; vocal chops float; distant 808 hits stagger.]
What’s the size I’m seeking when my mind is slowly leaking sense?
Every nibble leaving me with questions wide and doubts immense.
All the things I’m tasting lead me farther down this path of dreams,
Mushrooms’ magic swirling ‘round in wild and whirling schemes.
[interlude: Sub-bass drones; reversed vocals; ethereal whispers.]
[verse: Low piano; vocal echoes stretched; beat syncopates slowly.]
Left and right I’m finding every mushroom has a trick to pull,
One will make me vanish, while the other leaves me overfull.
Curious and cautious, yet I’m tempted by each brand new bite,
In this world of wonder where I wander through each height and flight.
[interlude: Melancholy synth pads; faint whispers; bell loops fading.]
[outro: Breath swells; pitched-down vocal echoes; synth dissolves.]
Will I be the same nice Alice when I find my way back home?
Will I be the same nice Alice when I find my way back home?
Or a stranger, ever-changing, lost in dreams where wild things roam?
Shrooms (Cover) - Suno
Shrooms (Cover) - Riffusion
Поле Style of Music/Prompt:
baroque classical, orchestral pop, fast-paced counterpoint, layered back vocals, bright harpsichord, uplifting strings
Поле Lyrics:
[genre: baroque-classical, orchestral-pop]
[mood: bright, uplifting, playful]
[tempo: fast, 160 BPM]
[instruments: harpsichord, violins, flute, orchestral choir, pizzicato strings]
[vocals: choral back vocals, counterpoint layering]
[personae: ethereal female, tenor male]
[length: 210]
[structure: intro, theme 1, theme 2, variation, climax, outro]
[intro: Harpsichord trills; orchestral swells; choral hums open the melody.]
[theme 1: Playful violin runs; flutes add light arpeggios; bright pizzicato strings.]
[theme 2: Layered back vocals harmonize in fugue-like motion.]
[variation: Woodwinds and pizzicato lead counter-melody; voices expand into bright choral pads.]
[climax: Orchestral tutti; vocals soar in harmony; strings drive energy upward.]
[outro: Harpsichord flourishes; soft choir fades with bright violin tremolos.]
Love Tale - Suno
Love Tale - Riffusion
Поле Style of Music/Prompt:
neo-romantic classical, progressive folk rock, intricate rhythm, sweeping string solos, warm orchestral swells
Поле Lyrics:
[genre: neo-romantic-classical, progressive-folk-rock]
[mood: passionate, dreamy, expressive]
[tempo: moderate, 120 BPM, intricate rhythm]
[instruments: acoustic guitar, solo violin, orchestral strings, warm synth pads, hand percussion]
[vocals: humming background, breathy vocal harmonies]
[personae: middle female, baritone male]
[length: 210]
[structure: intro, rhythm build, violin theme, guitar solo, climax, outro]
[intro: Soft tremolo guitar; warm orchestral pad swells; gentle back-vocal humming.]
[rhythm build: Hand percussion introduces shifting syncopated patterns.]
[violin theme: Sweeping violin melody weaves over textured orchestral strings.]
[guitar solo: Fingerpicked acoustic guitar rises into expressive improvisation.]
[climax: Strings swell dramatically; baritone male hums layered with ethereal female whispers.]
[outro: Solo violin reprises theme over decaying warm pads.]
Follow The Brook - Suno
Follow The Brook - Riffusion
Поле Style of Music/Prompt:
orchestral phonk, avant-garde jazz, broken rhythms, heavy basslines, dramatic orchestral swells, dynamic tempo shifts
Поле Lyrics:
[genre: orchestral-phonk, avant-garde-jazz]
[mood: dramatic, unpredictable, eccentric]
[tempo: variable, alternating between 90 BPM and 140 BPM]
[instruments: brass stabs, orchestral strings, deep 808 bass, electric piano, glitchy drum fills]
[vocals: ghostly choral echoes, distorted vocal fragments]
[personae: low male, ethereal female]
[length: 210]
[structure: intro, theme A, theme B, variation 1, theme A return, variation 2, final buildup, outro]
[intro: Soft orchestral strings; vinyl crackle; eerie distant whispers.]
[theme A: Phonk bassline; brass stabs syncopate; strings deliver dramatic motifs.]
[theme B: Avant-garde jazz piano takes over; unpredictable drum shifts.]
[variation 1: Orchestral swells heighten tension; choir echoes in glitchy reverb.]
[theme A return: Phonk bass returns; ghostly vocals creep in; tension rebuilds.]
[variation 2: Brass stabs turn fragmented; dissonant chimes pan chaotically.]
[final buildup: Drums distort; orchestral and jazz elements collide in structured chaos.]
[outro: Low drone bass; vocal fragments glitch and fade.]
The Chase - Suno
The Chase - Riffusion
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Музыкальная иллюстрация. По сюжету, протагонисты избавляют город от пары девушек-привидений, исполнив их мечту — выступить с песней перед большой аудиторией.
Текст и манеры трека — вокальная галлюцинация, все данные исходника ниже.
Поле Style of Music:
Minimal techno meets circus waltz, with pulsing beats, eerie calliope, and vocal glitches, female ghost vocals.
Поле Lyrics:
[genre: minimal-techno, circus-waltz]
[style: mechanical, eerie, playful]
[mood: surreal, hypnotic, uneasy]
[tempo: steady 4/4 with waltz overlay]
[instruments: drum machine, synth bass, calliope organ, tuba]
[vocals: mechanical, glitched, fragmented]
[length: 210]
[intro: Clock-like percussion under warped calliope organ chords.]
[structure: intro, theme A, bridge, theme B, outro]
[theme A: Pulsing synth bass with sparse drum machine, overlayed with a playful organ waltz.]
[rhythm: 4/4 pulse clashing with 3/4 organ swing]
[sfx: distant fairground crowd, murmured announcements]
[bridge: Percussion strips away; organ bends into atonal drones, with vocal glitches.]
[effects: granular synthesis, reversed whispers]
[theme B: The techno beat returns, now robotic, while the waltz organ spirals into madness.]
[sfx: distorted laughter, vocal stutters]
[outro: A final organ flourish cuts into silence, with mechanical vocal echoes.]
[fade: abrupt cut, tape reel spin-down]
Dreamland - Crazy In Sensation
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Музыкальная иллюстрация. Там всего ожидается порядка полсотни треков (события, иные миры, локации), но дополняется по мере поступления годных инструменталов.
Разрешите представить один из них. Желающие могут попробовать угадать, к чему именно этот трек.
Поле Style of Music:
Minimal techno meets circus waltz, with pulsing beats, eerie calliope, and vocal glitches, female ghost vocals.
Поле Lyrics:
[genre: minimal-techno, circus-waltz]
[style: mechanical, eerie, playful]
[mood: surreal, hypnotic, uneasy]
[tempo: steady 4/4 with waltz overlay]
[instruments: drum machine, synth bass, calliope organ, tuba]
[vocals: mechanical, glitched, fragmented]
[length: 210]
[intro: Clock-like percussion under warped calliope organ chords.]
[structure: intro, theme A, bridge, theme B, outro]
[theme A: Pulsing synth bass with sparse drum machine, overlayed with a playful organ waltz.]
[rhythm: 4/4 pulse clashing with 3/4 organ swing]
[sfx: distant fairground crowd, murmured announcements]
[bridge: Percussion strips away; organ bends into atonal drones, with vocal glitches.]
[effects: granular synthesis, reversed whispers]
[theme B: The techno beat returns, now robotic, while the waltz organ spirals into madness.]
[sfx: distorted laughter, vocal stutters]
[outro: A final organ flourish cuts into silence, with mechanical vocal echoes.]
[fade: abrupt cut, tape reel spin-down]
Arkham Horror - Specters Dance
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Кавер (cover) — процесс создания «по мотивам», когда в самом общем случае все основные темы могут отличаться до неузнаваемости. Среди пользователей сервиса Suno популярно мнение, что последовательно применяя одно и то же определение трека к очередному каверу над ним можно либо получать всё лучшие варианты, либо, напротив — всё хуже и хуже.
Поставил опыт. Возможно, по шести каверов обеих версий двигателя и маловато, я особой тенденции не заметил нигде.
Важная оговорка: если в какой-то из версий (каверов) наблюдалось появление значительно дефектных фрагментов (врезки тишины, шума и т.п.), такой кавер исключался из процесса и создавался новый (в случае, если парный тоже не годился). По неизвестной науке причине двигатель трактует белый шум и тишину как очень важные элементы композиции и старается их сохранять при создании кавера.
Поле Style of Music:
Electro swing meets phonk, with jazz brass, deep bass hits, bouncy cowbells, and playful vocal snippets.
Поле Lyrics:
[genre: electro-swing, phonk]
[style: playful, bouncy, retro-futuristic]
[mood: upbeat, energetic]
[tempo: swing groove, moderate]
[instruments: brass section, piano, deep phonk bass, cowbells]
[vocals: whispered, chanted fragments]
[length: 210]
[intro: A snappy brass melody with vinyl crackle opens the track.]
[structure: intro, theme A, theme B, theme A, theme C, theme A, outro]
[theme A: Playful brass lead over a walking bassline and jazzy drums.]
[sfx: old radio static, vinyl crackle]
[rhythm: syncopated swing]
[theme B: Phonk-inspired deep bassline and cowbell groove, with distant, chopped vocals.]
[effects: filtered speech fragments, distorted radio chatter]
[theme C: A call-and-response between brass and piano, fading into a mysterious breakdown.]
[vocal processing: reversed whispers, stuttering echoes]
[outro: A dramatic brass swell, fading into distant chanted vocals.]
[fade: soft radio fuzz, distant echoes]
Swinging Bass - Rondo (v3.5)
Swinging Bass - Rondo (v3.5) С1
Swinging Bass - Rondo (v3.5) С2
Swinging Bass - Rondo (v3.5) С3
Swinging Bass - Rondo (v3.5) С4
Swinging Bass - Rondo (v3.5) С5
Swinging Bass - Rondo (v3.5) С6
Swinging Bass - Rondo (v4) С1
Swinging Bass - Rondo (v4) С2
Swinging Bass - Rondo (v4) С3
Swinging Bass - Rondo (v4) С4
Swinging Bass - Rondo (v4) С5
Swinging Bass - Rondo (v4) С6
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Четвёртый вариант странного для колыбельной жанра, дарк-эмбиент.
Искин предлагал под сорок вариаций жанров (внешне непригодных) под колыбельную, но во всём нужна мера.
Поле Style of Music:
A dark ambient lullaby with haunting textures, soft drones, and ethereal female vocals; combining eerie calmness with soothing elements for a unique nighttime atmosphere.
Поле Lyrics:
[Start: Dark Ambient lullaby]
[control: no-repeat, unique verses, no loops, dynamic transitions, no verse repetition]
[sequence:intro, verse 1, verse 2, bridge 1, verse 3, verse 4, bridge 2, verse 5, outro]
[length: 180 seconds, medium]
[style:haunting, ethereal]
[tempo:slow, evolving soundscapes]
[instruments:subtle drones, resonant bells, ambient pads, chimes]
[vocals:female middle-pitch voice]
[structure:intro, verse, verse, bridge, verse, verse, bridge, verse, outro]
[intro: Low ambient drone fading in with soft chime echoes, setting a mysterious yet soothing tone.]
[no-repeat] [verse 1: Ethereal vocal delivery layered over a deep ambient pad, with gentle bell tones accenting the melody.]
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
how I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
like a diamond in the sky.
[no-repeat] [verse 2: Vocal harmonies build subtly, with a resonant drone and soft wind-like sound in the background.]
When the blazing sun is gone,
when he nothing shines upon,
then you show your little light,
twinkle, twinkle, all the night.
[bridge 1: Empty bridge featuring long, reverb-laden bell strikes and an airy synth swell.]
[no-repeat] [verse 3: Vocal harmonies build subtly, with a resonant drone and soft wind-like sound in the background.]
Then the traveller in the dark
thanks you for your tiny sparks;
he could not see which way to go,
if you did not twinkle so.
[no-repeat] [verse 4: Deep ambient layers shift with a calming pulse, while distant chime patterns create a dreamlike atmosphere.]
In the dark blue sky you keep,
and often through my curtains peep,
for you never shut your eye
'till the sun is in the sky.
[bridge 2: A soft decaying drone and subtle, irregular metallic echoes fill the space, building to the final verse.]
[no-repeat] [verse 5: Gentle pads and faint celestial tones swell as the vocals weave through the evolving texture, concluding with a peaceful cadence.]
As your bright and tiny spark
lights the traveller in the dark,
though I know not what you are,
twinkle, twinkle, little star.
[outro: Ambient drones and soft chime echoes fade into silence, leaving a tranquil resolution.]
Little Star - Dark Ambient V01 (opus 2114)
Little Star - Dark Ambient V02 (opus 2115)
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Третий вариант странного для колыбельной жанра, готик-хор.
Обратите внимание на достаточно эффективный способ указать примерную длину трека в секундах, метатегом [length]
.Поле Style of Music:
A gothic choir lullaby with ethereal harmonies and choral echoes; accompanied by soft organ chords, atmospheric pads, and subtle bell chimes for a calming, celestial ambiance.
Поле Lyrics:
[Start: Gothic Choir lullaby]
[length: medium, 180 seconds]
[control: no-repeat, unique verses, no loops, dynamic transitions, no verse repetition]
[style:ethereal, celestial, calming]
[tempo:slow and flowing]
[instruments:soft organ, atmospheric pads, bell chimes, choral harmonies]
[vocals:female middle-pitch voice]
[sequence:intro, verse 1, verse 2, bridge 1, verse 3, verse 4, bridge 2, verse 5, outro]
[intro: A gentle organ swell builds softly, joined by faint choral echoes and shimmering pads that set a serene, celestial mood.]
[verse 1: Atmospheric pads and faint organ echoes form an interlude, fading into a tranquil stillness before the next verse.]
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
how I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
like a diamond in the sky.
[verse 2: A soothing female voice leads over ethereal choir harmonies, supported by delicate organ chords and soft bell chimes.]
When the blazing sun is gone,
when he nothing shines upon,
then you show your little light,
twinkle, twinkle, all the night.
[bridge 1: Atmospheric pads and faint organ echoes form an interlude, fading into a tranquil stillness before the next verse.]
[verse 3: Choral harmonies expand with a more resonant texture, while the organ deepens subtly to add richness to the melody.]
Then the traveller in the dark
thanks you for your tiny sparks;
he could not see which way to go,
if you did not twinkle so.
[verse 4: The choir shifts to a brighter tone, with the chimes gently accentuating the melody, while the organ sustains a warm backdrop.]
In the dark blue sky you keep,
and often through my curtains peep,
for you never shut your eye
'till the sun is in the sky.
[bridge 2: A soft bell melody plays over a fading organ swell, creating a reflective pause before the final verse.]
[verse 5: The choral harmonies reach a crescendo of celestial beauty, with soft chimes and organ chords gently closing the piece.]
As your bright and tiny spark
lights the traveller in the dark,
though I know not what you are,
twinkle, twinkle, little star.
[outro: Organ and pad layers slowly fade, leaving a faint echo of the choir, dissipating into peaceful silence.]
Little Star - Gothic Choir V01 (opus 2119)
Little Star - Gothic Choir V02 (opus 2120)
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Второй вариант странного для колыбельной жанра, трап-фонк.
Поле Style of Music:
A trap phonk lullaby with soft vocal delivery, lo-fi beats, and resonant basslines; blending ethereal pads and mellow phonk textures for a soothing, dreamlike atmosphere.
Поле Lyrics:
[Start: Trap Phonk lullaby]
[control: no-repeat, unique verses, no loops, dynamic transitions, no verse repetition]
[genre:trap-phonk] [style:lo-fi, ethereal, mellow] [tempo:slow, gentle trap beats]
[instruments:808 basslines, atmospheric pads, subtle chimes, light snares]
[vocals:female middle-pitch voice]
[sequence:intro, verse 1, verse 2, bridge 1, verse 3, verse 4, bridge 2, verse 5, outro]
[intro: Ambient pads fade in with faint chime echoes and a soft bassline groove, creating a dreamlike atmosphere.]
[verse 1: Subtle trap beats with ethereal pads accompany soft vocal delivery, with gentle 808 basslines providing a warm foundation.]
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
how I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
like a diamond in the sky.
[verse 2: Atmospheric pads evolve slightly, adding delicate reverb to chimes while maintaining a soothing rhythmic pattern.]
When the blazing sun is gone,
when he nothing shines upon,
then you show your little light,
twinkle, twinkle, all the night.
[bridge 1: A bass swell and light hi-hat rolls provide an interlude, fading into atmospheric quietness.]
[verse 3: Atmospheric pads evolve slightly, adding delicate reverb to chimes while maintaining a soothing rhythmic pattern.]
Then the traveller in the dark
thanks you for your tiny sparks;
he could not see which way to go,
if you did not twinkle so.
[verse 4: Vocals layer softly over a more pronounced 808 bassline, while faint chime melodies weave into the beat.]
In the dark blue sky you keep,
and often through my curtains peep,
for you never shut your eye
'till the sun is in the sky.
[bridge 2: Dreamlike pads with gentle bass echoes create a reflective transition, leading to the final verse.]
[verse 5: The track crescendos subtly with shimmering pads and warm vocal harmonies, closing on a gentle bass drop.]
As your bright and tiny spark
lights the traveller in the dark,
though I know not what you are,
twinkle, twinkle, little star.
[outro: Pads and chime echoes gradually fade into silence, leaving a tranquil, reflective mood.]
Little Star - Trap Phonk V01 (opus 2116)
Little Star - Trap Phonk V02 (opus 2117)
Little Star - Trap Phonk V03 (opus 2118)
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Первый вариант странного для колыбельной жанра, индастриал.
Поле Style of Music:
A lullaby in the industrial genre with ambient metallic textures, resonant percussion, and soothing drones, performed by a middle-pitch female voice, creating a calming yet modern atmosphere.
Поле Lyrics:
[Start: Industrial lullaby]
[style:ambient, soothing]
[instruments:metallic percussion, ambient drones, resonant synth pads]
[vocals:female middle-pitch voice]
[structure:intro, verse, verse, bridge, verse, verse, bridge, verse, outro]
[intro: Soft pads slowly rising with faint metallic echoes and resonant chimes.]
[verse: Slow, pulsating drones with distant metallic chimes and soft percussion.]
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
how I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
like a diamond in the sky.
[verse: Metallic percussion mimicking soft ticking; airy drones as background.]
When the blazing sun is gone,
when he nothing shines upon,
then you show your little light,
twinkle, twinkle, all the night.
[bridge: Empty bridge with deep, resonating metallic echoes and fading drones.]
[verse: Layered soft chimes and rhythmic metallic taps, gradually building intensity.]
Then the traveller in the dark
thanks you for your tiny sparks;
he could not see which way to go,
if you did not twinkle so.
[verse: Slow, pulsating drones with distant metallic chimes and soft percussion.]
In the dark blue sky you keep,
and often through my curtains peep,
for you never shut your eye
'till the sun is in the sky.
[bridge: Empty bridge with gentle metallic swells and diminishing drones.]
[verse: Lush drones with rhythmic metallic patterns, resolving softly.]
As your bright and tiny spark
lights the traveller in the dark,
though I know not what you are,
twinkle, twinkle, little star.
[outro: Gentle metallic chimes fading into silence, leaving soft echoes.]
Little Star - Industrial (opus 2108)
Little Star - Industrial (opus 2110)
Little Star - Industrial (opus 2111)
Little Star - Industrial (opus 2112)
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"Но я не знаю трогательных маршей!"
Я тоже.
Поле Style of Music:
An industrial march track with heavy percussion, mechanical textures, and rhythmic marching boots.
Поле Lyrics:
[genre:industrial, military] [style:rhythmic, aggressive] [mood:powerful, mechanical] [tempo:moderate] [instruments:metallic percussion, bass, stomping effects]
[intro: A metallic clank sets the tempo, with faint echoes of marching boots in the background.]
[verse: Heavy percussion and distorted bass drive a relentless rhythm, layered with stomping effects.]
[chorus: Industrial textures swell with additional stomping sounds and dynamic metallic hits.]
[outro: The march slows as the stomps fade into a mechanical hum.]
Aggro-Tech - Heavy Skies (opus 2093)
Cinematic Military - Blazing Guns (opus 2085)
Epic Metal - Retaliator (opus 2088)
Industrial - Metal Boots (opus 2100)
Percussive Ambient - Long Road (opus 2104)
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Слова: Джейн Тейлор (опубликовано в 1806).
Я считаю, что современные дети должны сто пудов засыпать под колыбельную в жанре фонк!
Поле Style of Music:
A modern lullaby song in "trap-phonk" genre, blending gentle trap beats, ethereal synth pads, and mellow basslines, creating a soothing and dreamy mood; perfect for a contemporary nighttime ambiance
Поле Lyrics:
[genre:trap-phonk] [style:lullaby, dreamy, mellow-trap] [mood:soothing, dreamy] [tempo:slow] [instruments:soft-basslines, ethereal-pads, ambient-chimes, muted-percussion] [structure: intro, verse 1, instrumental, verse 2, bridge, verse 3, instrumental, verse 4, chorus, verse 5, outro]
[intro: Ethereal synth pads and soft chimes create a calming atmosphere, with a faint echo of distant bass.]
[verse 1]
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
how I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
like a diamond in the sky.
[verse 2]
When the blazing sun is gone,
when he nothing shines upon,
then you show your little light,
twinkle, twinkle, all the night.
[bridge: Ambient textures and gentle arpeggiated synth layers simulate a starry night, transitioning smoothly between verses.]
[verse 3]
Then the traveller in the dark
thanks you for your tiny sparks;
he could not see which way to go,
if you did not twinkle so.
[verse 4]
In the dark blue sky you keep,
and often through my curtains peep,
for you never shut your eye
'till the sun is in the sky.
[chorus: The main melody repeats with layered chimes and gentle vocal echoes, adding warmth and familiarity.]
[verse 5]
As your bright and tiny spark
lights the traveller in the dark,
though I know not what you are,
twinkle, twinkle, little star.
[outro: Fading synth pads and soft ambient chimes evoke a serene conclusion, with the bassline gradually diminishing into silence.]
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (alt)
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
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То ли я старею, то ли что ещё - внезапно зашёл жанр фонк и его поджанры.
В общем, вот новогодняя оптимистическая песня в миноре.
Да, бывает и так.
Дополнение 1 от 04 января 2025 г.: треки перенесены на Music.lib.ru
Дополнение 2 от 04 января 2025 г.: вернул прежние ссылки и модифицировал теги проигрывателей так:
<p align="center"><strong>This Year Will Shine</strong><br /><audio controls="controls" preload="none"> <source src="/img/b/bojandin_k_j/obscurato-nihil-2024/konstantinboyandin-driftphonk-thisyearwillshine.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio tag. </audio></p>
preload="none" решает основную сложность: слишком долгую загрузку страницы с большим количеством проигрывателей. Недостаток: отдельный трек может подключаться (записываться в память) относительно долго.
Поле Style of Music:
Bright drift-phonk instrumental with medium-fast tempo, featuring 808-bass, chopped-vocals, synth-leads, cowbell, snare-rolls, and pads, making an optimistic and bright mood for New Year festivities.
Поле Lyrics:
[genre:drift-phonk] [style:bright, energetic] [mood:optimistic, celebratory] [tempo:medium-fast] [instruments:808-bass, chopped-vocals, synth-leads, cowbell, snare-rolls, pads] [vocals: middle-age-male] [length: medium] [structure:intro, theme 1, verse 1, chorus, verse 2, chorus, verse 3, chorus, verse 4, outro]
[intro: Deep 808 basslines establish a driving rhythm, layered with soft pads and chopped vocal samples that add a dynamic texture.]
[theme 1: Bright synth leads introduce a celebratory melody, while the bassline and percussion create a steady, drifting groove.]
[verse 1: Steady 808 bass and pads support a bright vocal line, delivering a reflective and hopeful tone.]
Tonight we rise, the clock strikes new,
A brighter path, a world anew.
The road is wide, the lights are high,
The stars will guide, no dreams will die.
[chorus: The chopped-vocals and synth-leads harmonize with the bassline, creating a vibrant, celebratory refrain.]
[verse 2: A more rhythmic interplay between vocals and instrumentation reflects unity and excitement.]
The wheel turns fast, the rhythm flows,
The fire ignites, the spirit glows.
Through twists and turns, the path is clear,
We drive through hope, leave doubt in fear.
[chorus: The chopped-vocals and synth-leads harmonize with the bassline, creating a vibrant, celebratory refrain.]
[verse 3: The intensity builds as the lyrics encourage a collective spirit of renewal.]
Together now, the engine roars,
We break the night, we open doors.
The speed of light, the time is near,
A brighter dawn, a world sincere.
[chorus: The chopped-vocals and synth-leads harmonize with the bassline, creating a vibrant, celebratory refrain.]
[verse 4: A reflective but powerful verse brings the piece to a thematic resolution.]
The past is gone, the future bright,
We drift through hope, we drive the night.
Our wheels will sing, our hearts will soar,
This year will shine forevermore.
[outro: The synth-leads and pads fade into a soft, resonant bassline, leaving a hopeful and celebratory finish.]
This Year Will Shine
This Year Will Shine (Alt)
This Year Will Shine (V01)
This Year Will Shine (V02)
This Year Will Shine (V03)
This Year Will Shine (V04)
This Year Will Shine (V05)
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