Анпилова Рада : другие произведения.

The Smiling Puppet

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Impenetrable muteness and this smile are deceiving,
Since he"s damn sure I"m only what I seem to be
And nothing else but the most useless way of living,
The puppet with glass eyes and toy heart, always meek. 
He thinks I"m laughing as I feel no pain, no sorrow,
Thinks I don"t want to speak, that"s why my mouth"s stitched, 
Thinks I just have no words, invented whether borrowed -
I"m just a shameful mistake or infected leech... 
I guess I"ve learned why his home is so desolated, 
Why his King"s mad, son"s buried with the broken neck...
It is so simple: when I gift him smile, not awaited,
He screws his face up and he never smiles back. 

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