Анпилова Рада Владимировна : другие произведения.

Name "my God"

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Name "my God"
I am entering your saint house, blessed by the cristal bitter tears,
I am looking in your deep eyes and see reflection of my fears,
But I would never swear to love you, Christ, praying and falling down my knees.
I know, none of the sins i've made could be a mistery for you,
I know, each of the words you say could not be nothing else but truth,
I know, you al;ways will forgive us for each of the evils we could do,
But I am not innocent pure soul, that shines through dark and cries a plea,
I won't gift you the rest of life and won't allow to die for me:
I've only come to ask you, why you left those one, who always did belive?
I was hidden in fire cell, was caught and locked there by your hand,
When he was bleeding in few steps, and I could not rich him to help,
I tried to call your angels thought at once, but they stood still and laughed at pent.
Then he fell down on the floor with your saint name on his dry lips,
He did wish your eternal light could be the last of lights he sees,
But you didn't ever hear his whispers there, from your bright kingdom of the Peace.
Only stroking this lonely hope, his holy heart painfully stopped
And set free each of memories about only one beloved,
But coming through this silence and mad hurt, how could he give you name "my God"?...

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