Анпилова Рада Владимировна : другие произведения.

I'm already dead

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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From now on I know,
What's hidden within
Temple with the locked door,
Behind wall of wind.
Worlds you've not been in,
True you'd never get,
Dreams you've never seen - 
All lies in my hand.
The time and the space
Now destroy no more,
Burt are cutting chains,
Like I did pray for.
In sorrow and tears,
In blind speechless night,
In each of my fears
Is ray of new light -
Another, than light,
That's burning, like flame,
Your soul from inside,
Disgracing your name.
Your body, your home,
Your world - all"s just ash,
You crawl there alone,
You"re prisoned in flesh,
When I am set free,
Belong to no one,
Except only Him,
Who will froze your sun
And throw down your God...
Somewhen I"ve been scared,
Now - learning by heart
The wisdom He shared,
And falling my knees,
I say what He said...
I mean what it means:
I"m already dead. 

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