Анпилова Рада Владимировна : другие произведения.

Because of you

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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I saw the angels, bleeding in the dirt,
I saw the preachers, selling drugs to kids,
I saw the God, declining laws He told,
I saw the molls, still crawling on a streets -
And saint Maria leads their path of sin,
She can't remember bright Bethlehem star...
My blessed asylum's pain I'm locked within:
I was afraid to go, get lost so far,
To fall a prey to nameless priest of death,
But there's not been a chance to feel at safe...
I thought you'd come not to hold my last breath,
But just to put black flowers on my grave,
But I was wrong, and you gave me your hand -
It seemed like if the time stopped at that night -
You loved the freedom, learning being a pent,
But, Savior, since you walked into my life
I've understood, how freaky changed the land -
Right after you appeared here from the sky...
So many souls, so many hopes are dead,
So many oaths are turning into lie,
And whole the world, drowned in the tears and blood,
Is waiting for the Beast of Apoclypse,
So even I could let him in my heart,
Could talk to him or look into his eyes...
The same destruction spins around here each day,
Same faceless dolls nurse killers-victims here...
But you took my compassion, warmth away,
And taught me not to feel the fear,
Not to keep mourn or memories of love,
And break in pieces future, present, past...
I did submit, gave it all you to solve
Instead of me... because of you I'm dust.

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