Анисимов Алексей Юрьевич : другие произведения.

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    Вариации на три любимые песни. English

"You two"

There was a time, there's been a time,I was lost in muddy waters,time has passed and I am fine..'ve made it safely to my quarters.

goes wrong,goes happy,up yor own cours

Carry your own weight,simply let it happen.

time to time you feel yourself alone.. you feel you are in lovetime goes by, sunset awaits the dawnleave behind what you never had enoughyou never got it righttake it simple ... slow

matter how you feelmatter what you've lost's all your will's all your timetears go nowhere, baby

"Aka "We are the champions"...Queen"

'll take my time,'s no end'll take my sorrowwhom... I call a friend.

'll sell my soul.be bad:)'ll be all rightthe far away end.

feeling betterso great!confusionwill get to this end!

when I stopcould I forget?'t I chosento be dead?:)

"Tribute to River"

I have changed,don't know when and why.pace,old stuff all behind.

a walk in early morningwill go among the treesall I want to not feel sorrow.lies behind it, underneath.

is time to gain and leave it,'s the light to shine it all.'ll be one your life to give inyou won't stand up, you will fall.

was ones like River Phoenix,was ones being like him.story starts and ends in heaven,

His light forever deep within.

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