Ангорский Андрей Андреевич : другие произведения.

How to find Higgs boson in home conditions

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    In the article an issue about the possible number of fundamental physical interactions is studied. The theory of similarity on a dimensionless quantity as the damping ratio serves as the instrument of analysis. A structure with the features of Higgs field comes out from non-commutative expression for this ratio. An experimentally checked up supposition about the nature of dark energy is spoken out.

   In the article an issue about the possible number of fundamental physical interactions is studied. The theory of similarity on a dimensionless quantity as the damping ratio serves as the instrument of analysis. A structure with the features of Higgs field comes out from non-commutative expression for this ratio. An experimentally checked up supposition about the nature of dark energy is spoken out.
   The standard form for a dimensionless damping coefficient expressed through the components of quality factor in symmetric - in relation to the mutual substitution of the characteristic equation's variable and circular frequency - equations of oscillations is generally looks like the following:
   Zeta = A0/(C*D). _ _______ _ (1)
   All ongoing infinite processes of interactions (e.g., the process of energy conversion from one form to another and back again) are considered similar with the dimensionless similarity parameter
   Zeta_s = Zeta, Zeta -> 0. _ ________ _ (2)
   This condition (2), in case (1), is satisfied at every point of the domain in four different and independent ways of presentation of Zeta_s. They correspond to the analogical number of fundamental physical interactions. Besides, it's possible to distinguish twelve indeterminatenesses in (1). In this case, the condition (2) is fulfilled with some additional limitations.
   In order to set a mutual correspondence between any of four variants of presentation of Zeta_s and an appropriate type of fundamental interaction, it is necessary to make the substitution of A0, C and D into the initial equations of oscillations, taking into account that (2) is satisfied at every point of the domain. For example, the conditioned combination of parameters
   A0 = 0, C = const, D = const _ ________ _ (3)
   will lead to the form, which is similar to the electroweak field description.
   The following damping ratio will be examined below as the dimensionless expression:
   Zeta_0 = (A*B)/(C*D). _ ________ _ (4)
   It's important to point out that the number of factors in the numerator and denominator of Zeta_0 is limited by the possibility of their decomposition, which takes into account the physical sense of independent parameters and their dimensions. An entire class of mechanical oscillation equations, for example, allows representation of dimension of the numerator A0 as a product of the dimensions of only two parameters.
   For expression (4), condition (2) can be written as the following alternatives:
   1) A = 0, B = const, C = const, D = const;
   2) A = const, B = 0, C = const, D = const;
   3) A = 0, B = 0, C = const, D = const; _ ____________ _ (5)
   4) A=const(or 0), B=const(or 0),C->inf,D=const=/=0;
   5) A=const(or 0), B=const(or 0),C=const=/=0,D->inf;
   6) A=const(or 0), B=const(or 0), C->inf, D->inf.
   The three lower lines in (5) are taken unaltered from the analysis of the oscillation equations provided (1) and (2) are met, whereas the first three lines, where, unless otherwise specified, const=/=0, are reduced to one line in (3) under certain conditions.
   To elicit these conditions, A=0 in (4) is fixed at the first step. Then the numerator becomes zero both for B=0 and for B=const, which corresponds to the identity of the first and third lines in (5). The second step shows B=0 fixed in (4). Here, the numerator turns to zero if A=0 or A=const. This makes the entries in the second and third lines of (5) identical. Therefore, all three lines can eventually be represented as one, but there is a significant limitation: if A defines B the way B, in its turn, defines A - which, in form, corresponds to the commutativity condition.
   A nontrivial expression for (3) can be obtained when
   Zeta_0 = (AxB)/(C*D). _ ________ _ (6)
   Here, the non-commutativity condition is written in the numerator:
   AxB =/= BxA. _ ________ _ (7)
   The number of alternatives for (3) in case (6) will be two. This corresponds to a five-line entry for (5), which, in the study of oscillation processes, implies the presence of a similar number of fundamental interactions, that is, potentially and invariably present in any area under investigation. Of course, the fundamental nature here does not imply perfect independence of the interactions.
   The non-commutativity condition in (6), along with other features identified during the corresponding analysis of the above-mentioned equations, allows us to assume the occurrence of an additional fifth interaction similar in properties to Higgs field.
   If we assume that dark energy is a fractal dynamic field that reflects the continuous transformation of one type of energy into another and back across all types of interactions, then the accumulated shielded effect of such a transformation with a non-decaying to zero amplitude (non-equilibrium state) can be fairly accurately estimated at this stage within the framework of the proposed model with a damping ratio. In this case it is necessary to write down an expression for it in the most generalized form: by taking into account all the parameters and their belonging to structurally different sets, operations and interdependencies. The fixed ratio of the amount of dark mass-energy to the conventional one possesses quite a good degree of experimental verifiability.
   Андрей А. Ангорский (Andrey Angorsky)
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