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Protection from the Cia and Islamic revolution in France

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    Protection from the CIA and Islamic revolution in France

  Protection from the CIA and Islamic revolution in France
  As you know the main enemies of all the moslems are: the usa, the eu(especially france, belgium, luxembourg), israel and the uk. They lead constant war against all the moslem with the total goal to kill them all. Their war is not limited in cities and countries. Their war is extended also on the internet and there are some advices which could help you to avoid of getting confused by the enemies of moslems:
  1. Very well know tactics of the cia is called "honey for the flies", this tactics used to be announced by an official agent of the cia who works in russia and who is in the constant contact with another agent of the cia(yan agranonik). The tactics is enclosed in some honey that attracts the flies. What is the honey? It could be anything that might represent the interest for moslems, for example: some data, some technology, some weapons, some documentation for creation of some weapons, etc. Who are the flies? The flies are those for who the cia is hunting, it could be moslems or anyone else.
  2. Another very well known tactics of the cia is called "astus" coming from french word "astuce". The goal of this tactics is to hinder to do something. For example if you got a job offer from nuclear station , etc the cia will arrange a better job offer for you from some company that works for the cia which is under cover and when you refuse the first job offer, such the company which is under cover will cancel the job offer.
  3. Remember that almost all the Islamic forums either handled by the cia or their data is accessible for the cia. What means that if you attend some forum and say something then your personal information (who you are and where you are) can be obtained by tracking your IP address and the data from the internet providers, etc. Even if you don"t say anything but if you are a constant visitor of such the forums, internet sites then even in this case your information might represent the interest for the cia. That is why double caution!
  4. Remember that almost all the companies who work in the sphere of immigration, hiring foreign employees, the recruiting companies are either in the close collaboration with the cia or even established by the cia.
  5. Do not trust offshore zones and offshore banks. Some of them are in very close collaboration with the cia, for example landsbanki located in luxembourg is in very and very close collaboration with the cia and constantly performs their tasks. The interest of the cia for the banks is obvious: they want to monitor cash flow.
  6. If you attend some Islamic site then pay attention to the place of this site"s registration: and location. If the site is hosted in the usa then there is 100% of guaranty that this site works for the cia. From time to time you might find some site of "the achievements of the mojaheds of Afghanistan". Do not trust such the site. This is a typical "honey for the flies". Also do not trust such the sites (and people who are in close contacts with them) as "kavkazcenter" (handled by the cia) , ichkeriainfo (handled by dgse), gulag (handled by the agent of the cia: melnikoff )
  7. Do not publish your real intentions. Use simple advice "wanna shoot - shoot, don"t talk!"
  8. Do not feel any sorry neither any pitty for the citizens(no matter how old they are) of the usa, the eu(france, luxembourg, belgium), the uk, israel. If they will have a chance to kill you - they will do it.
  9. Do not forget that 9-11 was organized by the cia and mossad with the goal to kills all the moslems.
  10. do not forget that google is the company established by the cia and all your search requests go directly to the cia.
  11. Do not trust anonymous proxy servers, they do not provide you with the necessary protection and most of them are set by the cia
  12. Use encryption in the correspondence between other moslems. But do not use publically provided software programs which could allow you to encrypt your data. Such the programs were developed in the close cooperation with the cia so that they could easily read your messages.
  13. Do not trust production of microsoft, do not trust ms windows, ms office, ms mailing programs, do not keep any important data without special encryption.
  14. Do not trust those moslems who got political asylum in the countries of the usa, the eu. Many of them collaborate with the cia, etc. They are the enemies of the other moslems now.
  15. If you are in the european union try your best to bring at least 5 moslems into the europenian union - the more moslems are there - the better for the other moslems because europenian moslems will soon fight for their rights and they will do these countries Islamic.
  16. If you are a moslem and if you are in the country which is occupied by americans try your best to harm them. Even if you are very weak and can not really do something serious against the occupants you can sell them some fruits populated with urine of very sick people(hepatite C, for example).
  17. Do not trust cell phones. Even if they are turned off the cia can still listen to your conversations and still able to track your location.
  18. If some moslem says that he is pursued by the cia and if this moslem is rich enough(even if he is from middle class) then there is 100% guarantee that this moslem is the agent of the cia.
  19. If you are in france, luxembourg, belgium you can try your best to fire the generals of these countries. As an example, if their forces are going to arrange some public military show(for example they will use blank catridges) then if some mojahed will be able to replace blank catriges with the real ones then it will lead to replacement of the general of the forces of the country what is surely important for the struggle of all the moslems. Of course there are the other methods.
  20. if you are in france and if the other moslems are trying to arrange the new struggle, try your best to make it organized. Plan it as a general.
  - Pay attentions to the roads of your attacks or withdrawal
  - You can arrange fake moving in some areas and the real moving in the other(you can use the same method to show them that your power is stronger in place number one - what will make them to concentrain their main forces in the area but after that you could either move the forces into another area of your enemies(the area will be weak because their forces are in the other location) or you can already prepare the main forces in the other area)
  - you can use desinformation
  - try to surround french police and remember that france hates moslems and trying its best to kill all the moslems.
  - Before the struggle do not allow your mind to miss who is the head of french police(or the other organization) who will have to fight against the moslems and as a result try your best to hinder him and the other leaders of french police/etc to give the orders(as an example of how to do it you can use smart method described above or you can find your own). But france is the most weak place of the europe and this is the place where moslems will surely win that is why mojaheds and moslems must struggle using all their attention and brains.
  - If moslems can not surround french police then place the most strong moslems on the sides of your brigades and most weak moslems in the center. If they use shields remember that their shields are not fire protectable.
  21. If you are in france remember that this country that hates moslems will fall when Napoleon"s tomb will be burnt down and when the gravestones of french kings(located in the church of Saint Denis, represented as the statues which are against Islam) will be broken and luvre burnt down.
  La version compléte etait trouvé ici http://moslemonthewar.livejournal.com
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