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My trip to Abkhazia

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  I decided to go at the last moment, so bought a tour via the internet. Below I will write my impressions about the trip for days, as well as pros cons of the trip and some of the associated decisions.
  Day 1. The first day was a night flight to Adler, which lasted 3 hours. After the flight we went to the border with Abkhazia. Attention! At the border you can spend a few hours if you're not lucky. I stood for about an hour and then we passed passport control and got into the bus.
  My hotel was located in Sukhumi, to which I got for about 3.5 hours. So if you don't want to spend a lot of time to transfer, you can choose a place near the border of Gagra or Pitsunda. I must say that the prices are higher than in Sukhumi.
  While we were transported, traveled half of Abkhazia. The nature there is amazing. Mountains and greenery. Some of the hotels located in the mountains or near the highway.
  I was the last tourist at the extreme point of Sukhum, Sinop gorge. The hotel is located 1.5 km from the sea and the path to it ran through abandoned buildings and desert terrain. Generally in Abkhazia a lot of abandoned buildings. They literally stand on each other. The legacy of the Soviet Union.
  When I got to the hotel, I felt doomed and cut off from civilization. Why I had to go 3 hours to be on the very edge of the city among the ruins? I did not found the answer for this question.
  About half of the day I slept at the hotel, tired from the flight and move. This day I had birthday, so I went into town to relax. The road to town took me about an hour. That night I danced until the morning, and came hotel to walk the same route.
  Day 2. Immediately after arrival I bought a tour called "9 fun". The poster told about what a wonderful tour and how many pleasures - a typical example of the Caucasian's marketing, but to hide all the details. We loaded into the truck and drove through the mountains. Instead of the pleasures I was faced a mountain route duration 3 hours. It was a difficult route over the rocks. After this was horseback riding, rafting in a small river valley, the bungee jumping and free food.
  Anyway, this trip was a test, which I passed and have not regretted.
  In Abkhazia everywhere growing grapes, so people sell wine. This is especially true of places like Gagra and Pitsunda, where a lot of tourists. There are entire winery where visitors taste the wine. Among spirits, you can mention brandy and "Cha-cha" (60%), as it is sometimes called "rocket fuel".
  Day 3. It was logical to go on a tour of Sukhum. On the way we saw many sights, we stopped at the observation deck, saw the abandoned Parliament. We stopped for a wine tasting at a local winery.
  Day 4. On this day I decided to go to the sulfur springs in the village of Kyndyg. It is located outside of Sukhumi. And there I was soaked in mud, swam in the mineral waters and sat under the hot fountain.
  Day 5. The next day I went to New Athos (near Sukhum, about 50 km). There is a monastery, cave and Anakopia fortress at the top. In the cave this day I have not managed to get, and I ordered a taxi to the fortress. There I bought tickets and walked up about 3 km in the mountains.
  Up there I opened a wonderful view of the mountains and landscapes. Then I came down the mountain and swim in the Black sea. I got back on the bus. It turned out that the buses back go to 17 PM and there is only taxi. The first taxi driver asked for 700 rubles home. And behind him, the taxi driver offered to drive up to 300 rub to Sukhum back.
  Day 6. Stayed in Sukhumi. I went on the bus to the market and bought some souvenirs. The market there is huge and sells everything: fruits, vegetables, spices, cheese, fish and wine. Then in the late afternoon went on the boat "Riza", which sailed along the coast. The day was intense and was not associated with excursions.
  Day 7. The last day I decided to see the lake Ritsa is the landmark of Abkhazia. The tour was really interesting. On the way we stopped for a wine tasting, cheese, honey. Road to the mountains was long and ended in a wonderful place on top. I was looking at the lake from height of bird's flight, near the milky waterfall. It had a beautiful landscape down. On the lake I spent about half an hour and were photographed on its background.
  Some insights
  After the trip I had a few thoughts about how to spend your tour in Abkhazia. First, it is better to go on a trip for 9 nights and more. So it will be cheaper elementary. For the rest it is better to choose Gagra and Pitsunda, which are near to the border.
  Suggest to take a hotel all-inclusive with 3 meals a day. In Sukhum was little infrastructure - few markets, discos, karaoke. For this you need to go to Gagra and Pitsunda. New Athos is still far from the border.
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